Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Family Fun posted by Sherry

My dad taught me how to shoot a gun.  One of my most memorable Christmas presents growing up was a 4-10 shotgun. We used to go squirrel hunting whenever he would take me. I don't remember ever actually getting a squirrel or rabbit but surely i did, or else why did I want to keep going?  Maybe to spend a little time with my Dad?  Little did I know how all this would prepare me for my life as a mother of die hard hunters. It started with b.b. guns, then it was shotguns, compound bows and deer rifles.  They have guns to shoot turkeys, coyotes, quail, geese, ducks, deer, and apparently pumpkins and beer cans.  Yes, my family's necks are a little red. 

My oldest son Jeremy decided to fly home from North Carolina this year for firearm deer season the end of November.  He has come in the past, but most recently just at Thanksgiving and has bow hunted.  This year he was determined to get a nice buck.  It just so happened that my second son, Josh, was coming through here that week too on his way to a conference in Iowa and had a couple of days to spend with his brother.  My youngest son was finishing up his last semester of college so he was around a couple of days too.  And so the killing began.  If you're the least bit squeamish, this is where you should stop reading.  Jeremy had not been in Kansas 12 hours and he had killed his buck.  He was so happy! He took lots of pictures of himself with his deer..
Now what to do with the rest of his time ?  First he took a nap then he went hunting some more.  Josh got here the next day and he and Jeremy went out deer hunting again.  This time he bagged a doe!  More photos were ta ken, deer skinned and delivered to the man who was cutting up the deer. The next day brought setting up the duck blind and duck hunting. They didn't see any ducks so they shot 5 quail.  For some reason, I got no  pictures of those.

They have been having so much fun together, they drug Justin along the next day.  Josh had to leave for Iowa by noon, so the race was on.  A couple of hours they came back with 16 dead snow geese in the trunk of Jeremy's rental car.  Imagine what conversations that caused when the rental car was returned and detailed.  Blood and white feathers in the trunk of the Ford?  Anyway,  they had sooo much fun spending time together.  Late that afternoon, Jeremy convinced Justin to do a little deer hunting.  Justin really didn't think he wanted to go, hadn't deer hunted for several years, really hasn't had any interest in it.  His neck is not near as red as his brothers, barely pink actually.  But he wanted to spend time with his brother, so he went.  When they got back he was so excited, his neck was really red! He got a big buck!  a really nice one,  he was so proud and so was his big brother.  More photos and another trip to the neighbor with another deer.  Jeremy left the next morning and all returned to quiet at the Jagels ranch.  But they all went their respective ways with great memories of great times together.  And they left mom and dad with some too.

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